My own quotes :)

No one is always perfect :)

Wednesday 31 October 2012

Finally T^T

After 2 long "NO COM" weeks , I finally get to update my blog T^T
I must be thankful that I get to endure all these time =')

Hmm... What to update yah /.\
 Alright , about my current results xD

BM(Bahasa. Malaysia)=87

That is all that I get today :P

Coming back 2moro with new updates :D

Monday 8 October 2012




好了~沒東西寫了因為沒時間寫 ;(

這個月最後的post到此為此 :P

Friday 5 October 2012



這是大考啊~整個雪蘭莪州考的題目是一樣的 T_T 那麼要看老師改得嚴不嚴咯才能過關~ :P


Wednesday 3 October 2012

Aedes (╰_╯)#

There's a mosquito in my room and it had been disturbing me the whole week and I still can't kill it... = =#
I just hope that it's not the harmful mosuquito which is  Aedes albopictus or also known as Aedes! @_@

Some officers from the Department of Health Malaysia came today and asked to check the house because someone staying around my area had Dengue Fever  just a few days back , woah... kinda scared now >.<
Pray so that I don't get dengue fever now because sometimes dengue fever can be fatal (⊙_⊙)

Now i'm gonna start cleaning the house again ToT 

Symptoms, which usually begin four to six days after infection and last for up to 10 days, may include
Sudden, high fever
Severe headaches
Pain behind the eyes
Severe joint and muscle pain
Skin rash, which appears three to four days after the onset of fever
Mild bleeding (such a nose bleed, bleeding gums, or easy bruising)

Sometimes symptoms are mild and can be mistaken for those of the flu or another viral infection. Younger children and people who have never had the infection before tend to have milder cases than older children and adults. However, serious problems can develop. These include dengue hemorrhagic fever, a rare complication characterized by high fever, damage to lymph and blood vessels, bleeding from the nose and gums, enlargement of the liver, and failure of the circulatory system. The symptoms may progress to massive bleeding, shock, and death. This is called dengue shock syndrome (DSS).

People with weakened immune systems as well as those with a second or subsequent dengue infection are believed to be at greater risk for developing dengue hemorrhagic fever.