My own quotes :)

No one is always perfect :)

Monday 26 November 2012

My life as a kid

A blink of an eye and I'm already 14 , time sure flies fast. Last time , all I used to do when I was a kid was play play play and play , but no more. Because it's time to get serious with life , its always now or never.

Miss my old self :)

Primary school time

Thats my sister beside :)

Thursday 22 November 2012

Amazing Thailand's Got Talent - Man or Woman?

At first I thought "she" was a female , because of the first song she sang... But when she sang the 2nd song , I was like WOW because "she's" a Guy o.o

Don't believe me? See it for yourself :)

"She's" beautiful alright :P

The name is Nantita Khumpiramon

Wednesday 21 November 2012

Numta-Big Ass

I've just posted my first video on Youtube today~
So happy X)

Here it is :D
Enjoy :P

Friday 16 November 2012

Suckseed :)

I reccomend this movie to everyone who sees my blog :)

This movie is about Ped (Jirayu La-ongmanee) was a shy boy who had never listened to music until introduced to the world of Pop and Rock by would-be childhood crush Ern (Nattasha Nualjam). Ern soon left for Bangkok, however, and it is six years later in their final school year when she is re-introduced to Ped and his brash best friend Koong (Pachara Chirathivat). Koong convinces Ped, along with schoolmate Ex (Thawat Pornrattanaprasert), to form a band, partly to be cool and attract girls, partly as an attempt by Koong to try and one-up his popular twin brother Kay. Their musical talents aren't great, but that doesn't stop them from trying. However, when Ern decides to lend them her outstanding guitar skills, Ped and Koong's shared attraction to her puts a strain on the band's survival, as well as their friendship. 


Friday 9 November 2012

Taiwan ^o^

Tommorow I would be going to Taiwan~ where the once most tallest building in the world(Taipei 101) was built :)

The map of taiwan

Taipei 101
Will enjoy myself there! 
Jat dtem! :D

Tuesday 6 November 2012

  “报告老师,我姓焦,我叫焦配。” 老师有点晕,问道:“这是谁给你取的?”
  “我爹。” “你爹是干什么的?”
  “报告老师,我是张德开的孪生弟弟,我叫张不开。” “这是谁给你们起的名?”
  “是我爸,他是卖钳子的。” 老师赶紧喝了口水。
  “报告老师,我姓区(这个字念”欧”)我叫区夜(哦也),这是我妈给我取的名,她说生我的时候刚好打爆了一个电脑游戏。” 老师的心脏有点不舒服了。
  “报告老师,甘妮娘!” “你怎么骂人啊?!”
  “没有啊!老师,我是说我姓甘,叫甘妮酿,我老爸是造酒的。” 老师吃了一片药。
  “老师,您真聪明!” 老师已经有点站不稳了。
  “老师,你可真老土了,我老爸是拉皮条的。” 老师的嘴角已经渗出了血。
  “老师,你去死!” “什么?你说什么?!”
  “有意思,有意思。” 老师快哭出来了。
  “老师,下回说。” “为什么要下回说,你现在就说!”
  “不是的啦!老师,我姓夏,叫夏汇烁,我老爸是个说评书的。” 老师已经感到天旋地转了。

Monday 5 November 2012

A sales rep, an administration clerk, and the manager are walking to lunch when they find an antique oil lamp.

They rub it and a Genie comes out.

The Genie says, 'I'll give each of you just one wish.'

'Me first! Me first!' says the admin clerk. 'I want to be in the Bahamas , driving a speedboat, without a care in the world.'
Puff! She's gone.

'Me next! Me next!' says the sales rep. 'I want to be in Hawaii , relaxing on the beach with my personal masseuse, an endless supply of Pina Coladas and the love of my life.
Puff! He's gone.

'OK, you're up,' the Genie says to the manager.
The manager says, 'I want those two idiots back in the office after

Moral of the story:
Always let your boss have the first say.

Lydia Sarunrat ♥

Lydia Sarunrat ♥
Looking for nice thailand songs and I found her :D
Few of her songs I have with me now are:

  • 即使知道要見面
  • 沒關係
  • 是否要忘記
  • 如果我說愛你行嗎?
  • 愛你沒有停止的一天
  • Tommai mai rub sak tee


Name: Sarunrat Visutthithada / ศรัณย์รัชต์ วิสุทธิธาดา
Nickname: Lydia / Dear
Profession: Singer, Actress
Date of birth: July 7, 1987
Birthplace: Bangkok, Thailand
Height: 160cm
Star sign: Cancer / Rabbit
Blood type: Unknown
Marital Status: Dating Mathew Dean
Family: Parents, 1 Brother (Dunk), 1 Sister (Ducky)
Hobbies: Drawing, Stippling Art, Playing Golf

  • Asia Pacific Junior Golf Tournament Championship (11th place)
  • Thailand International Junior Golf Championships (2nd place)
  • Nike (Thailand) Junior Golf Tournaments (1st and 2nd place)
  • Nivea Invitation (2nd place)

Education: International School of Bangkok (ISB)
Language(s): Thai, English, Spanish

About Lydia
Also known as Dear Visutthithada, Lydia is Thailand’s newest R&B idol phenomenon. RS picked her name, 'Lydia,' as it means 'success' in Polish- just like her real thai name 'Sarunrat.' She has been intensively training vocally since age 5, and is excited to have her life long dream of being a pop star come true. Instruments she plays include flute, saxaphone, drums, and piano.
Lydia completed high school at the International School of Bangkok where she sang in an acapella group called 'UNDEFINED' and won the ISB Idol competition with her friend. She graduated as Vice President of her class, and with a 3.9 GPA. Lydia then accepted a place in the Northwestern Class of 2009 before beginning her singing career in Thailand. She has since applied to Harvard University in New York, but has chosen not to attend college.
Her hit single, “Wang Leaw Chuay Toh Klub”, held the number one spot on Thailand’s radio stations for consecutive weeks after its release.

Rabum Duang Dao with Oil Thana Suttikamul (Ch.3 2010)

Albums / OST

  • Debut Album: Lydia - Lydia (Release date : 29 June 2005)
  • Album: Lydia - Lydia (Thank You Edition) (Release date : 12 October, 2005)
  • Special Album: Dreams II A Little Dream Project (Release date : 22 February 2006)
  • Album: Lydia - Nineteen (Release date : 25 July 2006)
  • OST: Ruk Na 24 Chua Mong (Release date : 2007)
  • Album: Lydia - Inside Out (Release date : 25 April 2007)
  • Album: Lydia - All of My Heart (Released date: 8 August 2007)
  • Album: Lydia - Moving On (Release date : 27 February 2008)
  • Album: Lydia - Fabulous Lydia (Release date : 19 August 2008)
  • Album: Lydia - Love Celebrate (Release date : 10 February 2010)

Friday 2 November 2012


The holidays are boring... Wanted to find a job so my time would not be wasted.

Chasing up

Alright, so my father's blog has 8000++ views and 3000++ visitors @.@ wow... thats many....

I have only 4000++ views and 1000++ visitors~ I'm only halfway there /_\

Need to post more to catch up with him!   (╰_╯)#


I know it's a long way to go but I will catch up with him eventually :)

Thursday 1 November 2012

Marks update xD

Okay so I get more results today xD


Another 3 more subjects to go .... xD