My own quotes :)

No one is always perfect :)

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Dragon City♥ ツ

I tried playing this game a month ago and I foound it quite interesting and I became addicted to it XD

Dragon City is a game on Facebook, made by Jan Kirby where you can breed, raise, and sell exotic dragons. What makes this game easier to play is its lack of 'energy' points that need to be refilled with time, like on most Facebook games. Another nice feature is the gems. While you can buy them, the game makes it very easy to get more for free through a variety of methods such as leveling, completing certain quests, Combat including PVP in Combat World and in Tournaments. 

The object of the game is to breed and raise many dragons to earn gold, with which you can buy more food to feed more dragons to get more gold! Pretty basic, but it gets pretty complicated!
Breeding Dragons is a fun way to increase the number and uniqueness of your Dragon Population, and increase money earned per minute.
Breeding dragons results in a variety of Eggs which hatch into baby dragons. Egg types are randomly generated based on the breeding pairs type elements.
Basic gold is the main form of currency in the game. The main form of collection is from the dragons themselves.
Money (gold) can also be collected from:
Gifts from friends
Clicking habitats
Daily Bonus
Completing certain goals
Selling Dragons (if you like)
Monday Reward
Food is primarily accumulated in the game by building and harvesting from farms .
Food can also be collected from:
Daily bonuses
Gifts from friends
Completing certain goals

Gems are a form of money which is rarer and more expensive than gold.
They can be collected by:
Leveling up
Winning a combat in the stadium
Winning a league
Daily Bonus
Monday Reward
Purchased for dollars
Completing certain goals
Completing collections in the Book of Dragons

Breeding / Eggs
Pure Breeds: 
Earth / Fire / Water / Plant / Electric / Ice / Metal / Dark

Part Earth: 
Flaming Rock / Vulcano / Mud / Waterfall / Tropical / Cactus / Star / Chameleon / Alpine / Snowflake /Armadillo / Hedgehog / Venom / Poo / Paladin

Part Fire:
 Flaming Rock / Vulcano / Cloud / Blizzard / Firebird / Spicy / Laser / Hot Metal / Cool Fire / Soccer /Medieval / Steampunk / Vampire / Dark Fire / Robot / Butterfly

Part Water: 
Mud / Waterfall / Cloud / Blizzard / Nenufar / Coral / Lantern Fish / Storm / Icecube / Ice Cream /Mercury / Seashell / Poo / Petroleum / Pirate

Part Plant: 
Tropical / Cactus / Firebird / Spicy / Nenufar / Coral / Gummy / Dandelion / Mojito / Jade / Dragonfly /Carnivore Plant / Rattlesnake / Butterfly

Part Electric: 
Star / Chameleon / Laser / Hot Metal / Lantern Fish / Storm / Gummy / Fluorescent / Moose / Battery/ Gold / Neon / Paladin

Part Ice: 
Alpine / Snowflake / Cool Fire / Soccer / Icecube / Ice Cream / Dandelion / Mojito / Fluorescent / Moose /Pearl / Platinum / Penguin

Part Metal: 
Armadillo / Medieval / Steampunk / Mercury / Seashell / Jade / Dragonfly / Battery / Gold / Pearl /Platinum / Zombie / Robot

Part Dark: 
Hedgehog / Venom / Vampire / Dark Fire / Poo / Petroleum / Pirate / Carnivore Plant / Rattlesnake /Neon / Penguin / Zombie

Special Hybrids: 
Poo / Armadillo / Petroleum / Cool Fire / Soccer / Gummy / Pirate

Wind / Legendary / Crystal / Mirror

Saturday 2 February 2013

Dong Dong Dong Qiang~ *^_^*

Dong dong dong qiang , dong dong dong qiang , dong dong dong qiang dong qiang dong qiang... XD
Listening to the drums beating means that Chinese New Year is aroung the corner man! It's one of my favourite festivals every year :)
Ang pao's(or red packets) , Fireworks , delicious cookies and also lot's of food (¯﹃¯)

Love this festival , Happy CNY to everyone ^_^

P.S. Sorry for not posting for almost half a month... Ran out of idea on what to post ╮(╯_╰)╭