My own quotes :)

No one is always perfect :)

Monday 25 November 2013

NSCFL 2013

On the 18th of November , I went to a camp that literally made an impact on my christian life.
It was the NSCFL or National School Christian Fellowship Leader's camp.
There I learnt that being a christian is not easy as you need to dedicate you life and soul to God and to do God's will.
During the camp I also make alot of new christian friends that I guess God had led me to them and I believe so that they will be the one to help me on my christian life.
Lastly here's a scripture from the bible:

Follow me , and I will make you fishers of men. - Matthew 4:19

Here are some pictures that I stole from my friends XD
I did not take lots of pictures you know :(

Also a song that impacted me :3