My own quotes :)

No one is always perfect :)

Wednesday 26 September 2012


現在吃著口香糖~所以就打算找一篇關于口香糖的文章~ ^_^


一九九五年,小威廉·瑞格理(Willian Wrigley Jr.)向他父亲提出了一个大胆的想法:他们那个已统治口香糖市场长达一个世纪的家族企业应该开始销售薄荷糖.

  许多年后,他回忆起当年那一幕:他的父亲、当时已成功经营箭牌糖类有限公司(Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co.)三十多年的威廉·瑞格理一口否决:我们了解口香糖.



  从那以后,在小瑞格理的带领下,这家出品绿箭(Doublemint)和黄箭(Juicy Fruit)的供应商从一家不敢轻言改变的公司逐步转变为食品行业飞速增长的上市公司.它收购了一些竞争对手、对外借债并把大量资金投入研发,这些都是箭牌几十年来从未有过的做法.

  整个九十年代,箭牌公司推出的新产品屈指可数,但仅在去年一年,箭牌就有72个新品种上市,包括卡布其诺口味的口香糖和酸味Life Saver.它收购了Altoids薄荷糖品牌,目前正在考虑推出巧克力口味、专门为小狗准备的专利口香糖.小瑞格理说,“我不排除任何可能性.”




  福特汽车(Ford Motor Co.)和J.M. Smucker Co.现在都是由创始人的曾孙执掌,但许多历史更长的家族企业在传至第三或第四代时,当时的传人不愿接手,于是就逐渐消亡了.随著时间的推移,后世子孙与创始人的感觉也越来越隔膜.而且,企业的董事会也越来越独立,这对企业领导者的能力也提出了更全面的要求.





  1872年,小瑞格理的曾祖父老威廉?瑞格理(William Wrigley Jr.)离开费城前往纽约时只有11岁,据《美国人》杂志(American Magazine) 1920年的一篇文章说,他曾经卖报为生,也曾露宿街头.几年后,他来到芝加哥,先是卖肥皂,后来推销发酵粉.为了招揽生意,他每卖一袋发酵粉就赠送客户两包口香糖.后来口香糖在市面上越来越流行,他索性开始只卖口香糖.

Monday 24 September 2012

LOS syndrome

I agree... The LOS syndrome is killing me > <  Everything that changed me happened after i saw the movie :(
But most of the changes are positive changes so I appreciate that :)

One of the dialouges that i love the most from the movie is

“If we can love someone so much
how will we be able to handle it one day when we are separated?
And, if being separated is a part of life, and you know about separation well,
is it possible that we can love someone and never be afraid of losing them?

And at the same time I also wondering,
Is it possible that, we can live our entire life without loving anyone at all?”

Grhhhhhhhh................. I just love this movie xD

Watch it first beacuse of him:

Then now he's my idol:

Then my favourite music band is:

Some of my friends couldn't stand me for having the LOS syndrome... Booh xD
But what could I do? I can't change myself >< Love being myself :)

Sunday 23 September 2012

The Love Of Siam Review

The Love of Siam (Chukiat Sakveerakul, 2007)
Thai Title: Rak haeng Siam
Author: Oggs Cruz

To label Chukiat Sakveerakul's The Love of Siam as simply a gay teen romance is to misjudge its power and intention. Within the two and a half hour running time (the director's cut is reportedly four hours long) of the film, Sakveerakul essays not only the two young leads' reunion and inevitable attraction but also a family's slow and painful road to accepting a long-delayed reality. I would like to think that The Love of Siam, above everything else, seeks to reaffirm the life-affirming values of loving and being loved without sacrificing the portrayal of the very palpable pain that usually accompanies the emotion.

The twenty-minute prologue tracks the histories of young Mew (Arthit Niyomkul) and Tong (Jirayu La-ongmanee), who are both schoolmates and neighbors. They form a very close friendship which was abruptly ended when Tong's family had to move out when Tang (Laila Boonyasuk), Tong's elder sister, went missing during a trip in Chiang Mai, causing the family tremendous and irreparable sorrow. Years later, Mew (Witwisit Hirunwongkul), lead singer and composer for an up and coming boy band, again crosses path with Tong (Mario Maurer), who is struggling at home with his domineering mother (Sinjai Plengpanich) and alcoholic father (Songsit Rungnopakunsri). The two reconnect and inevitably fall for each other, disrupting whatever peace they have grown accustomed to.

To make matters more complicated, Mew's Chinese neighbor Ying (Kanya Rattanapetch) is hopelessly in love with Mew, not knowing of his homosexual tendencies. On the other hand, Tong is currently dating Donut (Aticha Pongsilpipat), presumably not knowing of his own homosexual tendencies too. Tong's family, more specifically the father who's been spending days and nights drinking, is still suffering from the loss of Tang. June (also played by Boonyasuk), Mew's band manager who looks a lot like Tang, is then recruited to pose as the long lost daughter, momentarily easing the father of his staggered pains.

The Siam in the title refers to Siam Square, a shopping district in Bangkok where most teens hang out to shop, dine, meet, and have fun. Siam Square, in the eyes of the Bangkok youth, has become both the place for welcomes and farewells, of declarations of love and hurtful break-ups, of chance encounters and scheduled meetings. In the film, the popular venue is not only the setting for Mew and Tong's reunion and the numerous other events in the story but it also represents the unpredictability of the many facets of love which the film so intricately paints. While Siam Square or any other shopping mecca are ordinarily thought of as accessories to the bastardization of love and romance because it commonly equates blatant commercialism with the love's outward depictions like dating, gift-giving, and hanging out, The Love of Siam uses that very element to depict love's many wanderings and permutations. Underneath the glow of the traditionally amiable romance, The Love of Siam strives to say something more about the act of loving, whether romantically or familial: that it is more a nebulous network-like journey to maintain hope than a straight path to the assumed happy ending.

In fact, The Love of Siam ends without any of its characters fulfilling the traditional conclusions of a love story. There are no happily-ever-afters or expected closures. Instead, the film ends with a mere spark of hope. That hope that closes the film actually opens up million of possibilities for its characters, as numerous as the countless fortuitous encounters in Siam Square that initiate relationships between strangers or abruptly conclude long-standing affairs all within the fateful movement of time. Sakveerakul drafts a bittersweet ode to the complexities of loving, which commercial cinema has tended to avoid throughout the years. What he exclaims in The Love of Siam is that daringly traversing outside the common simplicities of love is far more gratifying than safely assuming formula.

Through the interconnected lives of two boys who are on the verge of self-awareness amidst their own individual conflicts and the people surrounding them, Sakveerakul notes that love survives notwithstanding the dilemmas that pervade the world. As Ying translates from a Chinese song, "as long as there is love, there is hope." Corny as it sounds, the Bangkok of The Love of Siam thrives on that noble aspiration, without knowing that it does so.

Kanya Rattanapetch(Ying)
Aticha Pongsilpipat(Donut)

Mario Maurer(Dtong)

Witwisit Hiranyawongkul(Mew)

Trailer of The Love Of Siam

Oppa Rawang Style

The famous korean hits Oppa Gangnam Style is so popular that people started to create their own versions of gangnam style :D Even my area created their own version haha

Oppa Rawang Style

Saturday 22 September 2012

Für Elise (Piano version)

Been learning this song lately :P quite a challenge for the fast part > < but can almost get it ><
Anyone who plays the piano? Gimme some tips :D

Thursday 20 September 2012


Recently on twitter , less facebook /.\
Don't know why , but the more you tweet the more you wanna keep tweeting > <
Love twitter now <3 Anyone has twitter? come follow me :D

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Happy right now x)

Today when I was in science lab chatting with some of my buddies , a friend called me and said that teacher wanted to see me. I was scared that i might get punished for not concentrating in class :O
When I went to meet the teacher , teacher was smiling o.o that makes it even more scarier haha ><
Luckily all the teacher want is some help xP
She wanted to download some year end trial paper that was set by the government for each different district for us to do , she doesn't know how to download the thing from scribd... So i tried downloading it for her but... To download you need an account right? I told her to log in through her facebook. I thought that it was that easy haha Too bad you need to be a premium account member to download which means that you need to pay before you can download /.\ the only thing i can do was by doing something illegal x)
Since the documents were in image form , i right click on every page and save it >< its wrong right??? xD
Doing something wrong in front of teachers eyes hahahahaa :D

I also thought that teacher would scold me because i'm doing something wrong , but instead she wanna treat me to some treats :) but of course I rejected it :P

P.S. I'm not boasting xD

Monday 17 September 2012

The Inheritance cycle (Eragon,Eldest,Brisingr,Inheritance)

Read this book a few times and still loved it.

This book Eragon is the first book in the Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini, who began writing at the age of 15. After writing the first draft for a year, he spent a second year rewriting it and fleshing out the story and characters. Paolini's parents saw the final manuscript and decided to self-publish Eragon. Paolini spent a year traveling around the United States promoting the novel. By chance, the book was discovered by Carl Hiaasen, who got it re-published byAlfred A. Knopf. The re-published version was released on August 26, 2003.

The book tells the story of a young farm boy named Eragon, who finds a mysterious stone in the mountains. A dragon he later names Saphira hatches from the stone, which was really an egg. When the evil King Galbatorix finds out about Eragon and his dragon, he sends his servants, the Ra'zac, after them in an effort to capture them. Eragon and Saphira are forced to flee from their hometown, and decide to search for the Varden, a group of rebels who want to see the downfall of Galbatorix.

Critiques of Eragon often pointed out the similarities to other works such as The Lord of the Rings and Star Wars. Reviews also called the book a notable achievement for such a young author as Paolini. Eragon was the third-best-selling children's hardback book of 2003, and the second-best-selling paperback of 2005. It placed on the New York Times Children's Books Best Seller list for 121 weeks. Eragon was adapted into a feature film of the same name that was released on December 15, 2006. It was directed by Stefen Fangmeier and written by Peter Buchman. The film starred Ed Speleers in the role of Eragon.

1.Eragon    2.Eldest   3.Brisingr   4.Inheritance

Sunday 16 September 2012

Earning some money

I tried earning some my money but it failed because no people click on my nuffnang ads ><

So if you're kind enough please spend 1 minute to click on the ads ya~ Because if i dont have enough clicks the advertisers wont pay me any money ><
If you wan to earn some money by blogging , you can apply for it from the website below~

Hope i helped :) Help me back too :P

Friday 14 September 2012

夢龍物語 Dragonica


天天早起就是爲了你 ><
天天熬夜也是為了你 ><
天天被罵也是爲了你 ><!



悶啊,又要開始玩你了 ╮(╯_╰)╭

Thursday 13 September 2012
















P.S. 這篇肯定不是我寫的xD 我的華語程度沒那麼好,放上部落格只是爲了分享而已 :) 
我稍微改了一點點 > < 可是版權還是給寫這文章的作者~

Tuesday 11 September 2012



















Saturday 8 September 2012

Thai Numbers

I've been learning thai for almost a month already , here are the basic counting 1 to 10 :)

Numerals zero through nine

0 ๐      ศูนย์ suunR (zero)
1 ๑      หนึ่ง neungL (one)
2 ๒      สอง saawngR (two)
3 ๓      สาม saamR (three)
4 ๔      สี่ seeL (four)
5 ๕      ห้า haaF (five)
6 ๖       หก hohkL (six)
7 ๗      เจ็ด jetL (seven)
8 ๘      แปด bpaaetL (eight)
9 ๙      เก้า gaaoF (nine)

Counting ten and beyond

10              สิบ sipL (ten)
100            ร้อย raawyH (hundred)
1,000         พัน phanM (thousand)
10,000       หมื่น meuunL (ten-thousand)
100,000     แสน saaenR (hundred-thousand)
1,000,000  ล้าน laanH (million)
1.0E7 considered "ten million"
1.0E8 considered "hundred million"
1.0E9 considered "thousand million"

Thursday 6 September 2012

Killua Zoldyck

Finally , i drew my very first anime character :D

Took me half a day just to complete it .

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Free prizes :)

If anyone wants to win some prizes , please click on this link :)

After clicking the link , you comment to me your link , and i'll help you back , thanks =)

Monday 3 September 2012

Wizard 101 :)

I found out bout this game just a few weeks back and i think its better for me to share with you all bout this game :)

Wizard101 is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game created by KingsIsle Entertainment . Players take on the role of students of Wizardry to save the Spiral (that is the set of worlds in which the games is played), and battle a variety of creatures by casting spells using a turn-based combat system similar to collectible card. Players advance in the game by accepting quests to learn new spells, gain equipment, and collect gold. The game holds a rating of "Everyone 10+" from the Entertainment Software Ratings Board for crude humor and mild fantasy violence. Although designed for pre-teens, the game appeals to all ages.

At the beginning the player controls a novice wizard, who is named by the player using a set of words at the start of the game. That wizard joins the Ravenwood School of Magical Arts, a school of wizardry located in a fictional town called Wizard City.Instead of the traditional character classes, Wizard101 offers players a choice among seven different "magic schools" (Fire, Ice, Storm, Myth, Life, Death, and Balance) which will influence character development and parts of the magical spells (in form of collectible cards) available to the player in combat.

In Wizard101, the different areas accessible to players are referred to as "worlds". Upon character creation, only a part of Wizard City (The Commons, Ravenwood, Unicorn Way, Olde Town, Shopping District, Triton Avenue, Golem Court, and a short introduction to the world of Grizzleheim) is opened to access. As the player progresses, more worlds become available. Availability depends on subscriptions and/or the purchase of crowns. People who purchase memberships receive special privileges and gifts.

For more info , please click here Wizard 101

You can start registering from the link below :)

Here are some pictures about the game :)