My own quotes :)

No one is always perfect :)

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Happy right now x)

Today when I was in science lab chatting with some of my buddies , a friend called me and said that teacher wanted to see me. I was scared that i might get punished for not concentrating in class :O
When I went to meet the teacher , teacher was smiling o.o that makes it even more scarier haha ><
Luckily all the teacher want is some help xP
She wanted to download some year end trial paper that was set by the government for each different district for us to do , she doesn't know how to download the thing from scribd... So i tried downloading it for her but... To download you need an account right? I told her to log in through her facebook. I thought that it was that easy haha Too bad you need to be a premium account member to download which means that you need to pay before you can download /.\ the only thing i can do was by doing something illegal x)
Since the documents were in image form , i right click on every page and save it >< its wrong right??? xD
Doing something wrong in front of teachers eyes hahahahaa :D

I also thought that teacher would scold me because i'm doing something wrong , but instead she wanna treat me to some treats :) but of course I rejected it :P

P.S. I'm not boasting xD

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