My own quotes :)

No one is always perfect :)

Monday 14 January 2013

My idol

Today's homework for English was My Idol... Thinking , thinking , thinking... Who should I write about? Father? Mother? Friends? Famous Mathematician? Albert Einstein? There's so many people that cold be my idol... Even thinking about who I want to write about gives me headache , what about writing it? Haiz...

Tom Cruise , Mario Maurer , Jirayu Kao-Laongmanee , Witwisit Hiranyawongkul , Steven Spielberg , Steve Jobs , President Barrack Obama , Oprah Winfrey , Thomas Edison , Jacky Chan... Feel like writing all of them , any suggestions? XD

Zzzz... Zzzz... Zzzz... Zzzz... Zzzz... Zzzz... Zzzz... Zzzz... Zzzz... Zzzz... Zzzz... Zzzz... Zzzz... Zzzz... Zzzz... Zzzz... Zzzz... Zzzz... Zzzz... Zzzz... Zzzz... Zzzz... Zzzz... Zzzz... Time to sleep since 2moro have school , night night ^_^

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