My own quotes :)

No one is always perfect :)

Tuesday 31 July 2012


Exam is around the corner and i need to stop blogging for awhile... Maybe after two weeks i'll be back with more posts :D

Sorry everyone ><

Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!

今天啊,我學校舉辦了國慶月的開幕儀式了咯~ 雖然不是很大型的慶典……可是對我們來說是很有意義的哦!
應為……我現在沒心情參加比賽啊!現在只是想著要考試! 考試! 考試!

各位,考試對我來說很重要哦 >_^ 所以你們千千萬萬不能說我不愛國啊~O(∩_∩)O哈哈~



Monday 30 July 2012

Hooray! Saved my cat =)

When i woke up in the morning today , i saw my pet cat Hitam went into my neighbor's house... There isn't any people staying in that house>.< I don't know how she went in but i knew straight away that she's stuck O_O My my... How am i going to save her from the house when i don't have any key??? Of course the only way is by breaking the window or dot dot dot...
What i did was I tried opening the window with my own bare hands... But for sure i can't break open the window just like that! LOL >.<
When my bro came out i saw a metal rod so i ask my brother to help me pull the window a little so that i can stick in the rod and twist open the handel : ) *Clever idea huh =P
And it worked!
Now...  My cat is safe amd sound  :)

P.S It's a wild cat~~

Respect! 尊重

Some people just don't have any respect for teachers... Those bitches isn't worth to live much longer :)
From the 1st day we enter school till we graduate from school , the person that teaches us was our teachers... And yet???!!! You dare back stabbed your own teacher??? You back stabber!!! WAT THE HELL is this nonsense about?!
Without our teachers , there won't be the person you are today. They are just like our 2nd parents you know?
Tell me , who else spends the most time with you except your family? Your teachers of course hothead! You don't have any gratitude for the teacher that took care of you at school and now you want to fight with me because i only warned you to be respectful of your teachers?! Come on , you're the WORST bitches there EVER was in this world = = 凸

飢餓30~學會珍惜 :)

2天前……我啊!黃兼紳參加了2012年的飢餓30DIY營了咯       ~\(≧▽≦)/~啦啦啦

當我問他們 有沒有去飢餓30……很多人應該會回我這個:去那邊浪費時間罷了~我寧願在家享


只從我回來了……我改變了許多……我學會了珍惜 :)
  1. 珍惜身邊的人
  2. 珍惜每一個有生命的
  3. 珍惜食物
  4. 珍惜大自然
  5. 珍惜愛情、友情、親情
  6. 還有很多很多啊 >.<

來張我和我姐姐的合照吧 >//<
