My own quotes :)

No one is always perfect :)

Monday 30 July 2012

Respect! 尊重

Some people just don't have any respect for teachers... Those bitches isn't worth to live much longer :)
From the 1st day we enter school till we graduate from school , the person that teaches us was our teachers... And yet???!!! You dare back stabbed your own teacher??? You back stabber!!! WAT THE HELL is this nonsense about?!
Without our teachers , there won't be the person you are today. They are just like our 2nd parents you know?
Tell me , who else spends the most time with you except your family? Your teachers of course hothead! You don't have any gratitude for the teacher that took care of you at school and now you want to fight with me because i only warned you to be respectful of your teachers?! Come on , you're the WORST bitches there EVER was in this world = = 凸

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